Access map to the cottage | Gîte du Petit Crochet

Access map to the cottage

Access map to the cottage

Coming from Alençon or Le Mans

Find your bearings at the church, place de la République, take rue Gambetta, straight ahead, change name to rue des Josaphas which takes you to Les Halles. You can park on Place de Bassum or go around Les Halles to park on Place Thiers. Parking on rue du Petit Crochet is prohibited, the street is too narrow.

Arriving via Sillé-le-Guillaume

Avenue Victor Hugo, after the bridge, turn left, du de la Basse Cour. Go up it to the Saint-Honoré crossroads, then turn left again into rue du Petit Crochet.

Market day

On Saturday morning people arriving via Alençon or Le Mans take the gray route.



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